PINCEAU MAQUILLAGE (make-up shadow and blending) BC07 ROUBLOFF
Pinceau maquillage bc07
- pinceau précision pour le creux et le dessous de l’œil
- parfait pour le mélange des ombres
- Peut être utilisé pour obtenir des ombres plus profondes et plus sombres sans limites bien définies
- intensifie le regard
- poils naturels
Make-up brushes
Brushes for shadow blending. Small size is for spot work. Can be used for getting deeper and dark shadow without well-defined boundaries. These soft delicate brushes are perfect for work with a lower eyelid.
Application: For shadows applying and blending
Hair: Natural
Hair type: Siberian squirrel
Brush head shape: Cylindrical
Size: 6

For perfect blending

Light-weight birch handle

Hair treated by hand